Thursday, 29 September 2016

Dogs evolution facts

Evidence based on behaviour has led to the current widely scientific understanding that all breeds of  dog have evolved. Humans and dogs have evolved through living together for over 12,000 thousand years. scientists have proven that dogs are highly intelligent. they have research and test on dogs behaviour and act around humans.

scientists have also proven that dogs use language to tell humans when they want something e.g.

when they wants to go to the toilet the might scratch on the door or might squeal.
my dogs if she wants to play she might if u are on the phone sitting down she will go under my arms onto my face and either lick me or squeak the ball in my face. or drop be side and make funny sounds so it means she wants to play. And also dogs have a 7 senses some of them are when they are excited they  tail starts wagging of a happy dog or the bared teeth of an angry or threatened animal.

This is a grey wolf these are what started the dog specie. most of the scientists have agreed that dogs as we now today, came from the grey wolf along time ago. because the scientists have DNA tests and the grey wolf is more DNA related to dogs.

Image result for grey wolves

Dogs were the first tamed animals. Dogs have been mans best friend for almost 10' 000 years. Scientists have experimented that all dogs have a common ancestor which is a south Asian wolf. With out us humans most species of dogs would be dead cause they cant survive in the wild. Most dogs have been known to be related to fox's, wolves and jackals.

Dogs have been around for between 16 000 to 30 000 years. They decided to stay around humans because the humans left there left over food and so the wolfs thought to stay around them because the didn't have to hunt for food and as they did this for years a they gained trust between each other and that led to 'mans best friend'.

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