Sunday, 18 September 2016

Dog Attacks

Dog attacks

Dog Attacks

Breed                                       Dog attacks
1Pit Bull233 deaths
2Rottweiler81 deaths
3Husky24 deaths
4German shepherd14 deaths

These are the top 5 Dog Breeds Involved in Fatal Attacks on Humans in the US & Canada.  The most common attack from a breed of dog is from a pit pull over in Canada and the US.



Why do dogs attack people?

In the case of joggers, runners, bikers, etc., it's because the motion of the person triggers their prey drive. However, not every dog will naturally decide to chase down and bite someone who's moving too quickly. Those dogs that do have learned to do it — again, because of human negligence.

To find this click this =,ssl&ei=FUtoV5q3JKSOgAba_aWICg#q=dog%20attack%20causes

I found this on google and I thought it was so true cause one time I was cycling back to my house then cause I was going at a fast pace the dog starting barking and chasing. so I think that dogs do get there motion to chase, bite or bark at humans when who they are going at fast pace like I did.

These are some pictures found by the link below.


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